15868140994施工工序及要点 屋面清理→安装外架子→弹顺水条和挂瓦条安装线→安装顺水条→安装挂瓦条→安装天沟板→安装主瓦→安装脊瓦→屋檐处理→气孔处理→外露钉帽防腐处理→屋面清扫→拆除外架子。 1)弹线:纵向弹线为顺水条安装线,与屋檐垂直,由屋檐至屋脊,两线间隔100 cm,可由屋面的任意一侧开始弹线;横向弹线为挂瓦条安装线,与屋檐平行,由屋面较左侧至较右侧,由屋檐较下端开始弹线;若屋檐探出4 cm,则*1 条线至*2 条线的间距为34cm,以后各线的间距均为38 cm,屋脊的IOTRUUJHH0最后一条线需留出脊瓦的安装空间。 2)安装顺水条:每条纵向弹线安装一根顺水条,顺水条与找平层之间用钢钉固定,钉距40 cm左右,要保证安装好的顺水条上面平直,与找平层连接牢固。 3)安装挂瓦条:每条横向弹线安装一根挂瓦条,挂瓦条与顺水条之间用钉子固定,每个交叉点用一根钉子,两根挂瓦条相接处各用一根钉子固定好,要保证安I9YG0R9T9HIU09RTUH09EE装好的挂瓦条前面和上面平直,与顺水条连接牢固(图2)。安装脊瓦(包括斜脊)时,要单独安装两条**主瓦挂瓦条4~5 cR9UT9YU0IOUI0OERIUm 的挂瓦条,这两条挂瓦条的外沿宽度按所选的脊瓦宽度确定,圆脊瓦、角脊瓦为14 cm,方脊瓦为5 cm。天沟处要留出安装天沟板的位置。 4)安装天沟板:将天沟板放在预留的天沟位置,天沟板的两个侧边与相接的每条挂瓦条用钉子固定,两条天沟板搭接量不得小于10 cm(图3)。 5)安装主瓦:先将主瓦运至屋面,以10 片为单位 METAL TILE FEATURE 优点: 1.Amazing economy Because metal roofing tile is big acreage so it is convenient to use, and it can cut down the cost to physical distribution, carry and build. Predominant operability and low project cost can bring you amazing economic benefit. It just needs two workers to finish to installing the metal roofing tile for the common building in 315868140994-5 days. 2.Easy installation Metal roofing tile is very light and it is easy to incise and cut, so it is suitable for kinds of building, especially for secure exOIUYT09IU0R9TIH0REI0ecution on the heavy grade roofing and the tower. To compare with tradition cement tile roofing tile is more coincide and compact because of scientificalness reasonable design the dry type execution of metal roofing tile, it won’t be separated in a violent storm. 3.Reduplicate execution Because metal tile is light, it won’t bring tHYTYOPJJPUYYLJW[RWE][R]EW[he great pressure for the building. You can repeat execution on the intrinsically roofing tile on any roof if you fix well the tile. But the cement tile and earthenware pipEROITHGKJHOORRGOHKOPRTOHI0EOROe is too heavy so it will bring the huge natural calamities such as earthquake and storm when we repeat execution. 4.Good fire resistance Metal tile is one kind of roofing material which is get the SLGD and natural stone in one, it has the st